AAC Solution

Project Planning

Laxmi En-fab Pvt ltd as a leading technology provider understands investors’ requirements and advisescrucial information before the project. Weoffer you our industry experience toperfectly prepare your AAC project.

During this period, we heavily focus on local process factors such as local building market, raw material testing, optimal products/formula portfolio, location scenarios, plant infrastructure and performance characteristics.

In-depth understanding of your project requirements is key to success when designing aprofitable AAC plant. To prepare a solid technical and financial foundation we offer

Raw material testing & recipe setting

At LAXMI we have wide range of experience to work with raw materials with different properties. As we know the raw materials like Cement, Lime, Sand, Fly ash, Gypsum and water are natural materials and mostly used without any refining / chemical treatment.

The raw materials with different chemical properties as per location, the plant is supposed to produce the AAC block confined to specific standard gate way. This is a challenge for the plant producer to perform the best with worst raw material properties.

The final recipe is set by calculating the best chemical formula and balancing the out finished block to the required properties.

Scope matrix

Scope of various activates are very well understood and planned to finish the project fast, economical and without waste of time.

There are three colums in this matrix. Where in LAXMI scope is well defined, Customer’s scope is well defined and there are couple of activities which can be discussed with customer while finalizing the contract. These optional activities are the possible to undertake by customer also.

In short, the project management of erection and commissioning takes place very smoothly right form the beginning.

Activity / Equipment Specifications / other details Scope of LAXMI Client’s scope Optional scope to discuss
Plant lay out design        
Drawings and guideline All the supportive reference drawings for the entire plant and lay out and all the items under scope      
Silo, tank and all other fabrication All the silo fabrication, All the tank fabrication for water, slurry etc. to be used for hot or cold-water storage      
Civil work-related activities Entire civil work like foundations, flooring, boiler room, office, watchman cabin, compound wall, All the underground and Overhead tanks for water, slurry, Tranches, RCC structure, Precuring room, Doors, windows etc. Will support with all the reference drawings    
Shed building Shed size approx. 6000 sq. meter. This covers steel Structure, Roofing work of the shed. Excluding foundation, Rolling shutters, Doors, windows and masonry work for the shed      
Steam related activity Boiler, entire steam piping, boiler feed water softener, valves, headers   Approval from authority  
Insulation For of Autoclave, boiler, piping      
All Pipe lines All the pipelines like water, Air and slurry running in entire plant      
Water storage Main water tank, of 4.0 to 5.0 lc liters and all the other required tanks      
Rail track Rail track running in the entire plant. Level plates fixed on flooring along with its fixing.   Flooring for this track  
Electrical installation, lighting All the electrical work like main power panels, distribution boards, cable and cable lying, termination, earthing, lighting etc.      
AAC plant and machines Plant and machineries from LAXMI as listed in offer      
All brought out items Structure in the entire plant, D.G. set, Air compressor, Dryer, Grinding media, chilling plant, Finished block pallets, Fork lifts, Hydra, Laboratory equipment’s, silo accessories,      
Transportation Of all the equipment’s      
Onsite installation labors and engineer 1 to 2 engineers for the entire erection will be deputed after receipt of equipments at client’s site      
On site installation, erection, testing and commissioning Entire plant with full flanged installation      
Training of your team of production For two weeks for production, quality, maintaince knowledge / experience sharing      
Travelling, Lodging and boarding For the staff of LAXMI for erection      

Customized plant layout

Financial analysis

We invite the details of pricing of Raw materials, Power, Water, Fuel, Electricity and Labours to arrive at the production cost of AAC blocks at the customer’s place.

Based on the feedback of market pricing of finished AAC blocks, we  do feasibility study and generate  report on return on investment [ROI]  considering interest and depreciation.

LAXMI offers the most economical plants so the initial capital investment is reduced to grate extend compare to any European and Chinese plants.

All put to gather the we work out the payback period and other financial as actual. All the details submitted for financial calculations are verified by actual experience and practical performance of the plant at final before handing over the completed plant to customer.


Costing sheet for manufacturing AAC Block

Block manufacturing costing per CM
Sr no Material
Main raw material cost
1 Fly ash
2 Cement
3 Lime
4 Aluminium
5 Gypsum
Coal, Electricity,wastage and other
1 Coal
2 Coal
3 another consumable
4 Wastage
Total costing with manpower and maintenance
Monthly costing for manufacturing block (Monthly production X per CM cost)
Monthly salary of manpower
Monthly maintenance cost
Marketing of block cost
Another extra cost
Total monthly expense
Total costing with manpower and maintenance per CM
Total Interest per CM at 12%
Depreciation per CM for 10 years
Total costing with Interest per CM

Total financial investment calculations

Block manufacturing costing per CM
Sr no Section
1 Main machinery
  Automatic batching machine, Slurry making equipment, mould box, side plate, autoclave, mould opening crane, cutting machine etc.
2 Raw material storage section
3 Boiler section
4 Support structure of main equipment
5 Onsite autoclave and boiler related activity
  Autoclave Insulation, Autoclave to boiler steam IBR Piping and valve, IBR steam distribution header, Non IBR steam piping, water softener etc.
6 Onsite auxiliary equipment
  Onsite electrical main panel and cabling, All plan rail, extra structure and underground steel, water piping, air piping, slurry piping etc.
7 Earth moving utility like forklift, loader
8 Electrical connection like Electrical switch yard, Transformer, Generator
9 Around 100 no. of pallets
10 Onsite shed manufacturing cost
11 Installation facility costing like crane, hydra, labor etc.
12 Onsite civil costing like foundation, PCC, RCC, wall, Building etc.
13 Transportation cost

Breakeven point analysis report

Breakeven analysis
Sr no Section Value
1 Project cost  
2 Total sell of block  
3 Total variable cost  
4 Fixed cost  
  Manpower, Maintenance  
  Total fixed cost  
5 Total operating cost  
6 Gross profit  
7 Contribution
( Total sell - Total variable cost )
  Breakeven Point
( Total fixed cost / Contribution )

Download Brochure (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete - AAC Block & Panel Plant)