Sand Grinding And Slurry Storage
A ball mill wet-grinds the quartz sand with water to a sand slurry. The sand slurry is stored in slurry tanks and pumped into the slurryweighing hopper in the mixer tower. The binders (lime, cement and anhydrite) are stored in silos. It is also possible to mill theanhydrite together with the sand in the ball mill. The aluminum fine powder is mixed with water separately and added in the mixer atpre defined time in the mixing cycle. The LAXMI recipe and temperature control system constantly monitors this process. LAXMIalso has the knowledge and the experience to produce AAC with alternative raw materials, for example with fly ash.
The 1st stage:
This is the most critical section of the plant related to quality. The mixing starts with proper mixing of fly ash or sand with water to form slurry. Before proper mixing of all raw material, there is prepare fix density of fly ash or sand slurry. For that generally following steps are applicable.This slurry is taken up to wet bit on the mixing station. There is also Dry bin which carry dry items like Lime and Cement.
2nd stage:
Actual mixing of wet and dry material is done on high speed stirrer. At pre-set time the mixture is added with Aluminium to start foaming.
3rd stage:
After the set time is over, the final mixed material starts foaming. This is a very short time where within 10 to 15 seconds the entire mixed material needs to emptied in the mould bellow.
This is a controlled temperature area of short storage of moulds and cakes.
Soon after mixing is done, the moulds are sent to this area which has got controlled temperature of 50/55 degree centigrade. The moulds after pouring enters and exit this defined area in order of First In First Out [FiFO2] arrangements. After 2-3 hours, the moulds are taken out from this pre-curing area for further stage of cutting.
The heat is maintained here by heat dispensing piping arrangements for steam. The return heat from Autoclave after cycle is sent to this pre-curing are a to maintain the temperature. More over the exothermic reaction of mix within the mould, keeps the area hot.
Tilting in AAC blocks manufacturing. These processes play a major role in defining amount of rejection of the final product.The tilting crane tilts the mould by 90°. The Tilting crane unlocks the mould and removes the mould body, so that the cake remains on Side plate for cutting. This tilting system has proven to be the safest method for tilting the cake into the vertical cutting position, as the cake is remaining on Side plate for the cutting process.
Cutting are very critical processes in AAC blocks manufacturing. These processes play a major role in defining dimensional accuracy of the final product.
Cutting Horizontal
AAC cake rested on the side plate is now taken to horizontal cutting section. This section cuts sides and makes the horizontal cuts. The left-over / trimmed material is dropped down and transferred to waste slurry tank.
Vertical cutting
The cake rested on side plate is placed under cutting machine with oscillations wire cutting arrangements. The entire assembly of wire cutter is travelling up and own and cuts the block. After cutting the assembly of wire go up.
After cutting, the green cakes are grouped on steam car by grouping crane.
The aerated concrete is hardened under steam pressure in special, sealed pressure vessels, the autoclaves, thereby achieving its final strength. The steam pressure is approx. 12 bar, the temperature approx. 192° C. Usually, the hardening time is between 10-12 hours. The steam used for hardening purpose is generated in boiler and transformed to these Autoclaves as final process though steam pipelines. All the installations like Autoclave, Boiler, pipelines are Insulated to get the better efficiency and comfort environment for workers. The common fuel for the boiler is Coal, wood etc.
After autoclaving is completed, the cakes are destocked and unloaded from the Steam car. LAXMI offers a large variety of packaging solutions, ensuring that the finished products are packed according to local market requirements. Usually blocks will be delivered as packs on wooden pallets, strapped and/or covered in foil.